Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Exodus 32-34 & Proverbs 6

Exodus 32-34
Moses has been atop Mount Sinai speaking with God for 40 days and 40 nights.  Think in terms of how long that is more than a month.  The Israelite people were growing restless in desert below the mountain as they ate their manna and quail.  Aaron could not offer any answers.  Soon complaining ensued and some from among the people began leading a revolt to try to do things their own way.  They were tired of waiting for Moses and God to talk things out...besides, what else is there to talk about?  Perhaps Moses got lost or died on top of the mountain?

So what did they do? They pressured their "interim" leader whom Moses obviously left in charge; the new Temple priest-Aaron.  And they began speaking in his language--persuading him to create an opportunity to worship.  They melted down much of the gold that they plundered from the Egyptians and in the words of Aaron (Exodus 32:24) a shape of a cow is what came out!  Whatever the circumstances, God was furious with the people for their short-term memories and lack of patience to wait on God and he again (in accordance with His justice) wanted to wipe them all out and start over.  However, at the prayers of Moses, God decided that He would not (in accordance with His mercy).  Moses did not change God's mind with His prayers; however, God changed his actions according to His character (He is both Just and Merciful).  

Moses went down the mountain, threw the tablets God had been writing the Law on, and had many words with the rebellious and idolatrous people.  After spending time with God in the Tent of Meeting, He again trekked back up the Mountain for another 40 days and 40 nights to rewrite the Law on tablets of stone again.  And when Moses returned, He found a patient people waiting for his return.  What they saw was a man who had been with God!  His face was glowing and they could tell who He had spent time with.  For some application, can your family and friends tell by your attitude when you have spent time with God in His word and prayer?  Can you tell the difference between a day when you did spend time with God and a day when you failed to make the time to do so?  If not, then consider what you are doing when you pray--you are talking to GOD!  Consider what you are doing when you are reading the Bible--GOD is speaking to YOU!  This should affect you everyday.  Think about that. 

Proverbs 6
Proverbs chapter 6 offers good daily wisdom for a young adult.  It is as it the Father is having that one last conversation with his college grad who is moving off on his own.  So what kind of advice does the Father give?  Is this advice that we too need to yield?  I would encourage you to make a list of lessons that you will take from Proverbs that you will be sure to teach your child one day! 
1) Do not guarantee someone else's debt!  If you have, get out of it NOW! 
2) Work HARD when it is time to work.  The rest well when it is time to rest! 
3) Reflect often on the good and wise teachings of your parents.  
(that is remember previous proverbs) 
4) Again: Stay away from immorality and the adulterous woman!  You will suffer its consequences! 

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