Acts 13-15
As Paul and Barnabas had finished their work in Jerusalem, they returned to the church in Antioch which lied North of Jerusalem in the province of Syria. It served as a hub for Paul in his missionary journeys westward into Central Asia and Western Europe. The church in Antioch was the first non-Jewish church which believed strongly in the mission of bringing the Gospel to Gentile people. It was in Antioch that the name "Christian" was given to followers of Christ (Acts 11:19-26). Following the map below, you can see the path that Paul chose on his first missionary journey throughout Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He circled through cities, first going to the Jewish synagogues to share the good news. Why do you think this was his method? Probably because these people already had a belief in one God and a foundational belief in the coming Messiah. Paul's message is clear: "The Messiah you are looking for is Jesus!" (Acts 18:28)

In Acts 15, there is a dispute between Jewish Christians who believed that in order to be saved, you must keep the whole Jewish Law and be circumcised. Therefore, a council consisting of the Apostles and the Elders of the church at Jerusalem and they drafted a response letter to all churches explaining what would be the requirements regarding the Jewish law for Christians. Disputes arise in churches today many times as a result of ignorance to what God's word says concerning the matter in dispute. In many cases, the dispute is not even concerning a matter in God's word, but instead a personal preference. In such cases, men of God who have been selected to serve in positions of leadership in the church assist in resolving such matters. Wisdom and prayer should always be exercised. The goal is not a compromise; however, the goal is what is to resolve the conflict in a healthy manner.
Proverbs 11:16-31
As we continue to read the themes and proverbs in this book, continue to note bits of wisdom applicable for your life and the lives of your children. The theme continues to be a comparison between the wise and the fools.
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