Exodus 28-31
In the chapters of Exodus 28-31, we read of God's continued instructions for the worship of the people of Israel to God. He offers specific instructions for the clothing that the priests will wear, to how the alter works, to how the census tax will be used, to how they were to celebrate the Sabbath day. As you read Exodus 28, God directs Moses' brother, Aaron, and his sons to be the priests for the Tabernacle. Such a wonderful and humbling responsibility is truly fitting to the man who spoke on behalf of Moses to the Egyptian people much of the time. Now, He will have the honor of speaking to God on behalf of the people.
He will wear a garment that looks like the picture to the left which is made with exact directions given from God. There are so many memory devices in the garment that allow Aaron to remember to speak to God on behalf of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Again, we reiterate the fact that God gives so precise directions for the people to prepare for worship of God. God wanted there to be no room for excuses or inability to perform their worship. It was necessary for a Just God to accept the worship of a sinful people without the mercy of a Savior!
Proverbs 5
Such wise counsel every father should offer his son! There are two warnings within this wise proverb: 1) To the son-do not go near the adulterous woman; and 2) to the daughter-do not be the adulterous woman. Now you can even flip the roles (son do not be adulterous man; daughter-do not go near the adulterous man). But this is a teaching that needs to be sounded from the roof top everyday for our world to hear! Why even the Superbowl commercials speak of adultery in a manner not something to worry about. It is interesting that Proverbs 4 spoke of a "Godly wisdom" conversation before the father has the "birds and bees" conversation. Proverbs 5:7--"No my son, listen to me, do not stray from what I am about to say." A wise charge-FATHERS SPEAK TO YOUR SONS PROUDLY AND MOTHERS SPEAK TO YOUR DAUGHTERS THIS WARNING!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!! NO MATTER THERI AGE OR PAST EXPERIENCES!!!!! IT IS IMPORTANT FOR GOD TO LIST IT HERE!!!!! IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO TELL IT TO YOUR KIDS!!!!!!
Adultery (of any kind-extramarital, premarital, pornography) will always catch up! It will haunt you! 5:9-It will cause you to lose your honor. 5:11-in many cases it will cause disease. Statistics show today that 1 in 4 teens who are sexually active contract an STD. 5:15-"Drink water from your own well"--sleep and only think of sex with your own spouse. If you are unmarried, leave the water alone! 5:18--Let YOUR WIFE (or husband) be a fountain of blessing for you.
This is a graphic chapter in proverbs for a reason. Sex outside of a marriage has always been a problem. The primary way to prevent it: Fathers and Mothers-speak to your kids about it and share the wisdom of God with them. This is the way they will make good choices that will make you proud and glorify God!
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