Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Exodus 21-24 & Proverbs 3

Exodus 21-24
In Exodus 20 we read of the 10 commandments.  Contrary to popular (non-Biblical) thought, these were not the only laws the Israelites were to follow.  Exodus 21-24 begins the first installment of the Book of Law prescribed by God and commanded through Moses to the Israelite people.  These laws cover various aspects of right living according to God such as "How to treat your slave" to "How to treat widows and orphans" to "How to deal with certain crimes" to "How to show hospitality to strangers".  Many of the laws are incredibly specific making sure there is no room left for guessing.  In our American eyes, many of these laws may seem very strange; however, in the eyes of the wandering Israelites, they would be very practical as well as very useful in the future when God gives them the Promised land.  

A question comes to my mind regarding the Jewish law in light of the church today.  Why is God so specific with the Israelites and it seems He leaves so much for judgment for Christians today?  First of all, we need to acknowledge that He is the very same God today that He was then!  We need to understand that.  

Second of all, we need to understand that in the Law system (the Book of Law that is given here in Exodus 21-24, the 10 commandments, etc) there was no method of God issuing unconditional mercy and grace because Jesus had not yet forgiven all sin.  God instead issued a system of law to follow because His justice MUST be satisfied.  Under the law of grace (Jesus), God's justice was satisfied in the death of Jesus.  Therefore, God offers black & white guidelines for right living with the Israelites because the unconditional grace was not yet available.

Third of all, God was preparing a people that would have the Messiah living among them.  In a world of pagan and idol worshipping nations, it would not work for God to send the One True God into a world that worships many Gods.  These laws would prepare the people to be a nation of worshippers for one God not many gods so that the message of the Messiah will be heard.  

Proverbs 3
One of my all time favorite verses of Scripture is found in Proverbs 3.  It is a treasure of wisdom that I would encourage you to remember always in your heart.  Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  Seek God first, and in all your ways, and He will direct your paths."  This is the thrust of a Christian life fully devoted to God.  It is my goal that every morning I wake up and say to God, "Lord today I will trust You!"  And as I go about my day, when I encounter a decision, even of the lightest value, I pause and ask God, "What do you think Lord?"  Even though there are some decisions that God would not be concerned with either choice, (like should I have chili or a sandwich for lunch?) but in doing this, I place myself in a habit of always submitting my life before God.  I lean not on my own understanding!  


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