Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Acts 16-18 & Proverbs 12:1-14

Acts 16-18
After returning from Jerusalem conference with what the apostles and elders had decided on the matters of Jewish law, Paul set out on another mission not only to carry the letter, but also to preach the good news of Jesus to more gentiles.  This time, he and Silas set out on the journey.  Their travels are on the map below.  

Occasionally you will read a reference to "WE" for example in Acts 16:11 "We boarded a boat at Troas..."  The change in reference is probably due to at this point the author of Acts named Luke joins Paul in his journey.  Notice throughout the book where Luke joins.  This offers credibility to his written account for some of it is first-hand, eye witness accounts.  

Proverbs 12:1-14
Proverbs 12:1 opens with a charge for instruction: "To learn, you must love instruction; it is stupid to hate correction" (NLT).   As we have been reading through the Proverbs, are you yielding to the correction of the Scripture?  There is much application of God's word, especially in this book.  We can mold our lives to be like the "wise" one and not the "fool".  We can learn to become more generous, to guide our children, to listen to advice and, to speak the truth.

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