Acts 26-28
Before Festus and Agrippa II, Paul makes his defense and they two could find no fault with Paul. So they sent him on to Rome to be tried before Caesar. He went by boat with a roman guard watching over him. Along the way, the boat made several stops. At each stop, Paul was allowed to get off the boat and the companions with Paul saw to it that his needs were met. The path the boat took is on the map below.

As winter drew near, the water became rough to sail. They had planned to stop for the winder on the island of Crete; however, the southern wind turned and a typhoon swelled up. This made for terribly rough sailing. The boat came near the island of Malta. Just before setting to land, the boat ran aground and wrecked causing all aboard to abandon ship. In Malta, the people were very courteous to the the seamen. When the bought a new ship, they again set sail for Rome.
When they arrive in Rome, Paul rents his own house to be inprisoned in. This was the Roman custom if you were a roman citizen. In his own rented house, a roman guard would watch over him. However, Paul had the freedom to have visitors and so he called all of the Jews living in Rome at the time. There, he gave his testimony of how Jesus was the Messiah. Some believed him and some didn't. Either way, what Jesus told Paul was true! "Be encouraged Paul. Just as I have told the people about me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome" (Acts 23:11).
The church continued to spread and grow rapidly; even while Paul remained in prison for two more years. Paul will write letters to the churches he had made visits to while on his missionary journeys while he is prison.
Heed the advice of the wise for it will bring you success! Tell the truth (this is a reoccurring proverb). And I take to heart Proverbs 13:18--accept criticism and you will be honored. Criticism is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. In many cases, criticism is simply complaining in a proper form. However, I believe that all criticism can be beneficial if when you receive it you are looking for the good in it. Guard against hurt feelings and allow God to grow you in Him in all things.
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