Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day of Reflection
Today is Thursday, therefore, the day of the week in which we reflect upon what God has been teaching us in His Word. Share any comments and/or questions you have concerning your lessons from the Bible.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Leviticus 1-4 & Proverbs 14:1-8
Leviticus 1-4
The book of Leviticus begins where the book of Exodus ends. The tabernacle has been completed with precise exactness to God's plans. Upon its completion, the Israelites will remain at the base of Mount Sinai for about two years while they receive more instructions from God about right and holy living as God's people. The book of Leviticus is a manual for worship of unholy people to a holy God. As we read Leviticus, allows its laws and sacrificial instructions to transform your perception of our holy God.
Leviticus was written primarily to the tribe of Levi (one of the 12 sons of Jacob which later became one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Every priest that was set aside to serve in the tabernacle came from the tribe of Levi. The Levites will follow this book even more closely to ensure that everyone else lives right with God.
The first type of offering that we learn about is the BURNT Offering which is described in Leviticus 1. It is a voluntary offering and it is not commanded by God on any occasion; however, you would offer it for your sins when you felt compelled to do so. It would show one's true devotion to God.
There will be an emphasis on the sacrifices being "without defect". This would mean that they are strong and healthy animals. They cannot be animals that are already dead, handicapped, bruised, or any other such "second-rate" offering. The purpose of the sacrifice is that it hurts you when you give it up. This is a substitution for your sins! It must cost you something when you give it up! The sacrifice that is "without defect" is a reflection of the ultimate sacrifice that was also "without defect", and that is Jesus.
The second type of offering spoken of in Leviticus is the GRAIN Offering which is described in Leviticus 2. It was a voluntary offering of true worship to God and would acknowledge to all that you and all that you had belonged to God. The offering was to be made form "choice" ingredients. There was no off-brand or out-of-date products used. Only the best was offered. Is your offering to God the best that you have to give? Or could you give better to God?
A "token portion" of the offering was burned for the sacrifice, while a large portion of the offering was kept by the priests as their food. This was commanded by God because the priests and other Levitical workers had no other source of income for God put them to full-time labor of the people in the tabernacle.
The third type of offering spoken of in Leviticus is found in the third chapter and it is a PEACE Offering. This voluntary offering was to express gratitude and thanksgiving to God for His proper care for you and your family. It was to express peace and fellowship with a holy God. Since it was to symbolize peace with God, part of the offering could be eaten and shared with the priests as food to eat.
The fourth type of offering described in Leviticus 4 is the SIN Offering. For the first time we read "MUST" language. The previous three offerings were voluntary and were spread with language such as "when you" or "if you" while this SIN Offering is compacted with the wording of "you must". It sin occurs, and it will, then a sacrifice must be made as its atonement. The Bible speaks highly that sin is a serious thing. And when this serious action occurs, then serious measures must be taken. Even with sin that was unintentional such as what is spoken of in Leviticus 4.
The proverbs continue to offer for us the comparison between the fool and the wise one. However, in some cases, we cannot read an "if, then" situation. For example, we read in 14:5 that a truthful witness does not lie; a false witness breathes lies." But there are some that do not give a stark comparison for instance, 14:7 we read of just a simple statement about the fool: "Stay away from fools, for you won't find knowledge there." This verse gives an indication that when you seek wisdom, you will also find knowledge. Wisdom is defined as knowledge applied and put into practice. We can have a wealth of knowledge as we are gaining from reading the Proverbs; however, if we never apply it and put it into practice, we remain but a smarter fool.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Acts 26-28 & Proverbs 13:13-25
Acts 26-28
Before Festus and Agrippa II, Paul makes his defense and they two could find no fault with Paul. So they sent him on to Rome to be tried before Caesar. He went by boat with a roman guard watching over him. Along the way, the boat made several stops. At each stop, Paul was allowed to get off the boat and the companions with Paul saw to it that his needs were met. The path the boat took is on the map below.

As winter drew near, the water became rough to sail. They had planned to stop for the winder on the island of Crete; however, the southern wind turned and a typhoon swelled up. This made for terribly rough sailing. The boat came near the island of Malta. Just before setting to land, the boat ran aground and wrecked causing all aboard to abandon ship. In Malta, the people were very courteous to the the seamen. When the bought a new ship, they again set sail for Rome.
When they arrive in Rome, Paul rents his own house to be inprisoned in. This was the Roman custom if you were a roman citizen. In his own rented house, a roman guard would watch over him. However, Paul had the freedom to have visitors and so he called all of the Jews living in Rome at the time. There, he gave his testimony of how Jesus was the Messiah. Some believed him and some didn't. Either way, what Jesus told Paul was true! "Be encouraged Paul. Just as I have told the people about me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome" (Acts 23:11).
The church continued to spread and grow rapidly; even while Paul remained in prison for two more years. Paul will write letters to the churches he had made visits to while on his missionary journeys while he is prison.
Heed the advice of the wise for it will bring you success! Tell the truth (this is a reoccurring proverb). And I take to heart Proverbs 13:18--accept criticism and you will be honored. Criticism is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. In many cases, criticism is simply complaining in a proper form. However, I believe that all criticism can be beneficial if when you receive it you are looking for the good in it. Guard against hurt feelings and allow God to grow you in Him in all things.
Acts 22-25 & Proverbs 13:1-12
Acts 22-25
Upon Paul's arrest, he requests to speak to the Jews in a public speech. While he was still tied up, Paul makes an address that points out to the crowd: 1) Who he is; 2) What he did as a Pharisee, 3) Where he was born; 4) How he was converted to Jesus; 5) Jesus sent Paul to preach to the Gentiles. At this remark, the Jews caused an even greater uproar. The guard then were to take Paul to punish him; however, Paul made it known that he was a Roman citizen as well. It is Roman law that if you are a citizen then you must receive a proper trial before being punished for breaking the law.
Paul is taken before the Jewish High Council which was composed of Jewish religious leaders. As they learned of a plot to kill Paul, Paul was moved to the Roman governor's headquarters in Caesarea (north of Jerusalem). There, the governor of the Judean province heard Paul's defense. He could find no wrong in his story (anything worthy of death anyway) but in response to the Jewish acqcuasations, he kept Paul in prison for two years.
At the end of the two years, a new governor is placed in office replacing Felix. His name was Festus. As Festus hears Paul's defense, he too believes there is no need for punishment and agrees to send Paul to stand trial back in Jerusalem; however, Paul is indignant to go back. He makes a Roman citizen request to see Caesar, the Roman Emperor.
Before being able to speak to Caesar, Festus calls on another governor named Agrippa II. And Paul gives his defense to him.
Proverbs 13:1-12
Again the chapter opens with the urge of the child to listen to the discipline of the parent. Listen to the words of the wise man and heed them yourself!
Acts 19-21 & Proverbs 12:15-28
Acts 19-21

Now we begin the reading of the details of Paul's third missionary journey. This time, he will spend much of his time in the city of Ephesus (about two years). Many of the cities that we read about Paul visiting and starting churches in bear some of the names of the letters that Paul wrote that later became other New Testament books in our bible. The church of the Ephesians is one of those letters. As Paul made many lasting relationships with the Christians in Ephesus, many people became Christians as a result. The people of Ephesus worshipped the pagan goddess Diana (or also known as Artemis) who was the goddess of fertility. Paul utilized these pagan temples as places for public preaching the Gospel.
After making his way through Macedonia and Greece, Paul turned toward Jerusalem to return with an offering from the Asian churches. Along the way, he made several stops and several of the churches urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem for they were told in their prophecies that if Paul did go, it would be the last time they would see him. Paul went on against their urging for he felt strongly that God was sending him to Jerusalem.
Upon his arrival in Jerusalem, some Ephesian Jews who witnessed Paul preaching in Ephesus, gathered a riot to beat up Paul. An uproar ensued and caused the roman officials to arrest Paul. Upon his arrest, Paul requested to speak to the crowd and they allowed him to do so.

Proverbs 12:15-28
There is one proverb that jumps to my attention from this reading. It is Proverbs 12:25--"Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up." I have always understood the first half of the proverb. Worry is not a major weakness for me. My philosophy has always been, "if I have no control, no worry is needed. If I have control, then do what is in my power for that which I am tempted to worry." But it is the second half of the proverb that jumps to me. "An encouraging word cheers a person up." Why would the writer place these two together? Perhaps if someone you know is worrying, then we should do our part to encourage them and cheer them up. Or else perhaps it is a challenge to do away with the daily worries and replace them with an encouraging word. What do you think? Post your comments.
Acts 16-18 & Proverbs 12:1-14
Acts 16-18

After returning from Jerusalem conference with what the apostles and elders had decided on the matters of Jewish law, Paul set out on another mission not only to carry the letter, but also to preach the good news of Jesus to more gentiles. This time, he and Silas set out on the journey. Their travels are on the map below.

Occasionally you will read a reference to "WE" for example in Acts 16:11 "We boarded a boat at Troas..." The change in reference is probably due to at this point the author of Acts named Luke joins Paul in his journey. Notice throughout the book where Luke joins. This offers credibility to his written account for some of it is first-hand, eye witness accounts.
Proverbs 12:1-14
Proverbs 12:1 opens with a charge for instruction: "To learn, you must love instruction; it is stupid to hate correction" (NLT). As we have been reading through the Proverbs, are you yielding to the correction of the Scripture? There is much application of God's word, especially in this book. We can mold our lives to be like the "wise" one and not the "fool". We can learn to become more generous, to guide our children, to listen to advice and, to speak the truth.
Acts 13-15 & Proverbs 11:16-31
**Due to the hospitalization of my Father-in-Law, I have been behind in many of my responsibilities including posting the blog. I am now going to catch up my thoughts and reflections concerning our daily readings in the Bible. I apologize for my being behind. God bless you in your reading!
Acts 13-15
As Paul and Barnabas had finished their work in Jerusalem, they returned to the church in Antioch which lied North of Jerusalem in the province of Syria. It served as a hub for Paul in his missionary journeys westward into Central Asia and Western Europe. The church in Antioch was the first non-Jewish church which believed strongly in the mission of bringing the Gospel to Gentile people. It was in Antioch that the name "Christian" was given to followers of Christ (Acts 11:19-26). Following the map below, you can see the path that Paul chose on his first missionary journey throughout Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He circled through cities, first going to the Jewish synagogues to share the good news. Why do you think this was his method? Probably because these people already had a belief in one God and a foundational belief in the coming Messiah. Paul's message is clear: "The Messiah you are looking for is Jesus!" (Acts 18:28)

In Acts 15, there is a dispute between Jewish Christians who believed that in order to be saved, you must keep the whole Jewish Law and be circumcised. Therefore, a council consisting of the Apostles and the Elders of the church at Jerusalem and they drafted a response letter to all churches explaining what would be the requirements regarding the Jewish law for Christians. Disputes arise in churches today many times as a result of ignorance to what God's word says concerning the matter in dispute. In many cases, the dispute is not even concerning a matter in God's word, but instead a personal preference. In such cases, men of God who have been selected to serve in positions of leadership in the church assist in resolving such matters. Wisdom and prayer should always be exercised. The goal is not a compromise; however, the goal is what is to resolve the conflict in a healthy manner.
Proverbs 11:16-31
As we continue to read the themes and proverbs in this book, continue to note bits of wisdom applicable for your life and the lives of your children. The theme continues to be a comparison between the wise and the fools.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Acts 10-12 & Proverbs 11:1-16
Acts 10-12
Until this chapter, the church remained in and around Jerusalem with its members only being Jews. The Jewish law made it mandatory that Jews remain a distance and do not associate with non-Jews (Gentiles). This chapter is a pivotal point in the history of the church. Cornelius is a Gentile Roman Army official who oversees 100 roman soldiers. His wealth and power would be great. However, in his time spent outside Jerusalem in the coastal city of Joppa, he began to fear the God of the Jews. In a vision, God instructs him to send for Peter who is north a few miles in the city of Caesarea. While this is going on, Peter has a vision of his own. In his vision, God makes it known that there are no longer "unclean" foods such as pork and other animals that were by law not allowed to be eaten. This was a preparation for Peter's mindset to be changed concerning association with gentiles as well. When Peter meets with Cornelius and his household, he begins to preach and many of the same evidences of God pouring out His spirit on the Christians of Jerusalem occurred in Cornelius' house.
What were they for? In the beginnings of the church, there was not yet the New Testament Bible for the Christians to know God's teachings. Therefore, God would offer certain spiritual gifts to the Christians to have divine revelation as to what God wanted Christians to know. They would be coupled with other gifts possessed by other people. For instance, if one person had the gift of speaking in tongues, it was the gift of someone else to interpret the tongues therefore keeping one man from being able to warp the revelation from God.
These in and of themselves did not save people though. As they were showing signs that they had received the gifts of the Spirit, Peter still instructed them to be baptized-which will forgive their sins (Acts 2:38).
When he left there, he met with the church leaders in Jerusalem to explain how God is now converting gentiles as well as jews. And about this time, a famine began to spread throughout the land. There was a church north in a town called Antioch which will send assistance to the church in Jerusalem for the were badly hurting from the famine. God always uses Christians to help fellow Christians. We must remember that we do not only belong to the church in our local community; however, we also belong to the global church that is ONE and is GOD'S.
From there, the church in Jerusalem sends more people back to Antioch to spread the good news. This will begin the first missionary journey by Paul (formerly Saul) in Acts 13.
Many of the proverbs in this chapter offer God's perspective on the consequences and the blessings of right living. For instance, when one is honest, they are guided and they please God. However, when they lie and cheat, it angers God and they will be destroyed. In our society, however, is this always the case? It seems that people teach more today that if you lie and steal to get ahead, it is okay so long as you do not get caught. In recent news, there was a Wall Street scandal in which one man squandered $50 Billion of investors money...but he was caught and now it is devastating his life! Remember the theme of sin in the Bible--it always has its consequences, although not always immediate, they will always see to happen. I have been writing proverbs on a notecard that I hope to one day spend time teaching my children. I hope you can find lasting value in some practical application like this for your children or even for yourself!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Acts 7-9 & Proverbs 10:17-32
Acts 7-9
Upon Stephen's arrest in Acts 6, he is given the opportunity to testify for himself. When he could have made right the witnesses that were false, he chose instead to tell the crowd which had gathered about Jesus. His presentation of God's Transforming Story began in the beginning of the Old Testament with Abraham and he built upon the Old Testament teachings to the present day when the people before him persecuted and put Jesus on the cross. When Stephen made mention of Jesus being in heaven sitting at God's right hand, the Jews became outraged and led in a revolt to stone Stephen. As he was being stoned, the witnessing Temple Official was Saul.
Chapter 8 begins the second part of Acts. Chapters 1-7 was the account of The Church began in JERUSALEM. Chapter 8 begins the section of the Church spread into JUDEA and SAMARIA. As persecution grew with intensity against the Christians, many of them left Jerusalem and moved throughout the Roman world. As they went, they shared the message that Jesus was the Messiah! One of the guys chosen to serve the tables in chapter 6 was Philip. Philip left Jerusalem and set out north into Samaria where he spoke of Jesus to everyone he could. Crowds gathered as he performed miracles which caused the people to believe what he was saying (Acts 8:6). Philip preached the good news always and it caused many people to believe and be baptized.
Meanwhile, while Christians began to scatted out of Jerusalem, Saul left to go north to the town called Damascus which was about 150 miles north of Jerusalem. He wanted to head off the growth of Christianity and stop its growth. Upon the road while traveling, Jesus appeared in spirit form before Saul and demanded that Saul believe and stop persecuting Christians who believe in Jesus. He was blinded, given instructions to go into Damascus, and there a Christian helped to restore his sight. After regaining his sight, Saul was baptized and he too began to preach the good news to people in Damascus and then in Jerusalem when he returned there. God is going to use Saul to take the Gospel to non-Jewish people (Gentiles) so the church will grow world-wide!
Proverbs 10:17-32
The proverb continues the contrast between the wise and the fool. One of the keys to being wise is knowing when to talk and when to shut up (10:19-20). One of the verses I have taken to heart is Proverbs 10:20 which speaks of blessings from God do not include sorrow. Many times we consider something a blessing (especially large purchases we make with credit) and it soon becomes a curse. If this is the case it was never a blessing from God, but it was something you yourself brought on calling it a blessing.
Acts 4-6 & Proverbs 10:1-16
Acts 4-6
In Acts 3, when the crowd gathered around Peter and John who were preaching following the healing of the lame man, word soon got to the Temple officials and they arrested Peter and John for their speaking out. This time Peter owns up to the fact that he knew Jesus and that he was preaching the good news (contrary to when he denied it and the rooster crowed three times). The decision of the Temple officials was for the apostles to be quiet and stop preaching. Peter and John's response: "We cannot stop speaking of the wonderful things we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). Christians today are too quick to shut up when they are threatened by higher-ups who think they have a voice. Schools say that students cannot pray or read the Bible in the school when there is no such law. The teachers cannot lead the teaching of the Bible or the public prayer, but students can on their own! When Government says one thing--God says another...obey God!
In Acts 5, why would God strike Ananias and Sapphira dead for only giving half the offering they could have given? Is it because God is greedy? No. Ananias and Sapphira promised all of the land money....not half. If they had promised half, and then given half, we would not read this in Acts today. Because they lied, and when given opportunity to tell the truth and lied again, then it angered God and an example was shown to everyone else that this is not acceptable!
When the apostles continued to teach in the name of Jesus, the Temple officials again brought them before them, arrested them, and told them NOT to teach about Jesus any longer. When they flogged (physically abused) them, they rejoiced that they were persecuted for Jesus. This sounds weird; however, it was told to the apostles that they would be beaten in the same manner that Jesus Himself would be. They rejoice because Jesus' words came true. Also, it was a joy to share in the suffering that Jesus suffered.
As teh church growed larger and larger, the needs of the people of the church also grew. The people of the church noticed that some of the needs were being overlooked and so they approached the Apostles about the need. In response, the Apostles delegated the responsibilities to men who were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom and gave them charge over taking care of the daily distribution of food. It has always been a part of the church's responsibilities to care for not only the spiritual needs of the Christians but also the physical needs when the arise.
One of these men that were chosen was Stephen. Stephen was a man full of God's power and when he was encountered by some deceiving jews, he was arrested based on false accusation. Although it was unjust, Stephen used this as an opportunity to share the message of Jesus! We should always look at our lives circumstances as opportunities to share Jesus with people.
Proverbs 10:1-16
This is a second collection of Proverbs from King Solomon. In the first collection (chapters 1-9) we found a real basis for wisdom: Wisdom comes only from God; the opposite of wisdom is folly; the immoral acts one engages himself (herself) in is the extreme of a fools behavior and this person truly lacks all wisdom. This collection will include short snippets of wisdom. There is a distinct contrast between the wise (also called godly) and the fools (also called wicked). Are there any comparisons that speak to you? Do you have children and the proverbs based on youth are helpful? Do the proverbs pertaining to wealth speak to you? Highlight and/or write down the proverbs that speak to you to encourage you to live right for God.
Acts 1-3 & Proverbs 9
Acts 1-3

The book of Acts serves as a history of how the church got its start. To summarize the entire book, many scholars use Acts 1:8 to serve as an outline for the book: Jesus said, "You will be My witnesses in JERUSALEM and in all JUDEA and SAMARIA, and to the ends of the EARTH." A good outline for the book of Acts will be this:
1) The church began in JERUSALEM
2) The church spread into JUDEA and SAMARIA
3) The church spread to the ends of the EARTH
To fully grasp the locations, you may need a map:

Jerusalem was the local town--the people they knew.
Judea and Samaria were the larger context-perhaps the county or even the state.
The ends of the earth means the churches with different cultures throughout the world.
Acts 1:1-5
Following his resurrection from the dead, Jesus appears multiple times to many different people to prove his resurrected to new life and overcoming death. In the 50 days that span between the Jewish holiday of Passover (when Jesus was put to death) and the Jewish holiday of Pentecost (when the church began), Jesus spent 40 of those days walking, talking, and encouraging his followers for what was to soon come...the outpouring of God's Spirit on the people. He told his 11 disciples (minus Judas the traitor) to remain in Jerusalem until this happened. This language was somewhat foreign to the disciples except for the time they heard John the Baptist refer to it as Jesus noted in Acts 1:5.
Acts 1:6-23
Peter steps up to take on the first act of business as a leader for the group. He felt that Judas needed to be replaced with a new disciple. When they began the selection process, they began with prayer. Each year we as a church have the opportunity to select from among our congregation men to serve as leaders. It can be tempting to select people who are good leaders, strong workers, or popular among the people. And while these qualities are good and needed, we must always begin our selection with prayer. God must have the ultimate voice in who we choose!
Acts 2
Ten days following the ascension of Jesus, the promises is fulfilled when there was a large influx of people in Jerusalem celebrating the Day of Pentecost. The Festival called Pentecost was celebrated by the command of God in Exodus 23:16 & 34:22 for the purpose showing joy and thankfulness for the Lord's blessing of harvest. At this festival, the first fruits of the grain harvest were presented as a offering to God. Jews from all over the Roman world would travel to Jerusalem to make their offerings in the Temple. It was during this holiday when all work had ceased for a time that God chose to send His spirit!
As people were crowded in Jerusalem to make their offering, God's Spirit came on the 12 apostles (disciples) and it looked as if flames burned on their heads. Peter began to preach the first sermon in the common Jewish language of Aramaic. While he spoke, the other eleven translated the sermon into the tongues of other people present: people from all over the known Roman world (Acts Acts 2:9-11). At the conclusion of the sermon, the people began to ask "What now?" They needed instructions on how to respond. And Peter's instructions (led by God's Spirit) was to 1) turn from your sins (repent) and be immersed (baptized) into water and the result would be 1) your sins will be forgiven and 2) God's Spirit will live inside you.
The result of the sermon: Over 3000 people were baptized. They began living in a community with a common belief and sharing in the things of God. They shared when people had need for many of them had come from other parts of the world.
Acts 3
This is the second of sermons Peter preached in Acts. This time, his attention grabber was his healing a man who could not walk. When people noticed the man could walk, they wondered what was happening which gave Peter the opportunity the opportunity to preach. He now had an audience. The purpose of miracles, whether by Jesus or the Apostles, was always offer credit for the message they had to preach. This was the case here with Peter. The result of this message, another 2000 people were baptized.
Proverbs 9
Wisdom and foolishness is again compared. The key verse here is found in Proverbs 9:10--Wisdom comes when we truly have a healthy fear of God. Fear=Respect. When we fear snakes, we respect them enough to stay away from them. We have a negative connotation of fear today however; to be afraid is somehow a bad thing. Replace "fear" with "respect" and you will understand the gist of this verse. The beginning of wisdom is when we respect God for sho He is and who we are not.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Exodus 38-40 & Proverbs 8
Exodus 38-40

In the concluding chapters of Exodus, the Tabernacle is to be completed. You may noticed the repetition of the explanation of the articles to be built in the Tabernacle. As we read, 1) God explains the plan to Moses, 2) Moses explains the plan to the people of Israel, 3) The people of Israel act out the plan 4) as a summary, Moses inspects to see that the plan is accurate to God's original plan.
One more time, in order to help with the mind's eye of what you are reading, here is the picture of the Tabernacle in completion according to how God planned it:

Proverbs 8
Wisdom is compared to a woman who guides us in a noble fashion. In contrast with the immoral woman who guides us to the sins of her bedroom, wisdom is noted as one who guides us in the ways of understanding and who will make us succeed. Her instruction is better than the most valuable of the precious metals and fine jewels. God approves of the counsel that wisdom offers. In fact it is said in Proverbs 8:36 that whoever finds true wisdom will "find life and approval from the Lord." But the warning to heed is that the one who misses on finding wisdom "will find injury". There is wonderful blessings when we live by the wisdom of the Lord!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Genesis 35-37 & Proverbs 7
Exodus 35-37

As I read the passage in Exodus 35-37, Moses makes a plea for materials for the building of the Tabernacle. This plea however, is not a cry for anyone to bring anything. Rather, it is a request for those who have the proper materials of th
e best quality to provide them. Likewise, h
e asks for assistance from people to assist in building the Tabernacle. Moses does not ask for the same 20% of people who do everything to com
e and do more as is common in the church tod
ay. Rather, he asks for those who are skilled in carpentry to help construct the Tabernacle; for those who are skilled in sewing to help sew the curtains; for those who are skilled in smithing to help beat the gold to its proper shape. Moses asks for everyone to offer their best and to do what they are gifted at with their best effort. I take from this that if you are skilled at a certain area, then do that for God. If you are not, the
n don't. We all have a place in God's church to offer Him our best! We just have to decide for ourselves where and how that is...not wait for so
meone else to recruit us!
The descriptions of the Tabernacle articles are very descriptive; however, I find it best to see a picture so that I better identify with it. Here are some to help.

Ark of the Covenant (left)

Table in the Tabernacle (above)
Lamp stand (below)

Incense Alter (above)
Proverbs 7
An echo of Proverbs 5 reminding the son (or daughter) of the dangers of sex outside of a marriage relationship. It is not okay. There are consequences. The one who gives in to such temptation is called a simple-minded man without common sense (verse 7). The leading of sexual sin is awfully enticing; however, we must understand and teach our young ones the danger it brings with it. Heed these warnings and you will be wise.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Day of Reflection
Today is the weekly Day of Reflection. If you are caught up in our schedule, then take some time and review what you have read or read something a second time. Take some time to meditate on a passage or memorize a verse of Scripture. If you need today to do some catching up, then do so. I would love to see how you are progressing and what you are please post a comment letting me know how you are doing!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Exodus 32-34 & Proverbs 6
Exodus 32-34
Moses has been atop Mount Sinai speaking with God for 40 days and 40 nights. Think in terms of how long that is more than a month. The Israelite people were growing restless in desert below the mountain as they ate their manna and quail. Aaron could not offer any answers. Soon complaining ensued and some from among the people began leading a revolt to try to do things their own way. They were tired of waiting for Moses and God to talk things out...besides, what else is there to talk about? Perhaps Moses got lost or died on top of the mountain?
So what did they do? They pressured their "interim" leader whom Moses obviously left in charge; the new Temple priest-Aaron. And they began speaking in his language--persuading him to create an opportunity to worship. They melted down much of the gold that they plundered from the Egyptians and in the words of Aaron (Exodus 32:24) a shape of a cow is what came out! Whatever the circumstances, God was furious with the people for their short-term memories and lack of patience to wait on God and he again (in accordance with His justice) wanted to wipe them all out and start over. However, at the prayers of Moses, God decided that He would not (in accordance with His mercy). Moses did not change God's mind with His prayers; however, God changed his actions according to His character (He is both Just and Merciful).
Moses went down the mountain, threw the tablets God had been writing the Law on, and had many words with the rebellious and idolatrous people. After spending time with God in the Tent of Meeting, He again trekked back up the Mountain for another 40 days and 40 nights to rewrite the Law on tablets of stone again. And when Moses returned, He found a patient people waiting for his return. What they saw was a man who had been with God! His face was glowing and they could tell who He had spent time with. For some application, can your family and friends tell by your attitude when you have spent time with God in His word and prayer? Can you tell the difference between a day when you did spend time with God and a day when you failed to make the time to do so? If not, then consider what you are doing when you pray--you are talking to GOD! Consider what you are doing when you are reading the Bible--GOD is speaking to YOU! This should affect you everyday. Think about that.
Proverbs chapter 6 offers good daily wisdom for a young adult. It is as it the Father is having that one last conversation with his college grad who is moving off on his own. So what kind of advice does the Father give? Is this advice that we too need to yield? I would encourage you to make a list of lessons that you will take from Proverbs that you will be sure to teach your child one day!
1) Do not guarantee someone else's debt! If you have, get out of it NOW!
2) Work HARD when it is time to work. The rest well when it is time to rest!
3) Reflect often on the good and wise teachings of your parents.
(that is remember previous proverbs)
4) Again: Stay away from immorality and the adulterous woman! You will suffer its consequences!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Exodus 28-31 & Provers 5

Exodus 28-31
In the chapters of Exodus 28-31, we read of God's continued instructions for the worship of the people of Israel to God. He offers specific instructions for the clothing that the priests will wear, to how the alter works, to how the census tax will be used, to how they were to celebrate the Sabbath day. As you read Exodus 28, God directs Moses' brother, Aaron, and his sons to be the priests for the Tabernacle. Such a wonderful and humbling responsibility is truly fitting to the man who spoke on behalf of Moses to the Egyptian people much of the time. Now, He will have the honor of speaking to God on behalf of the people.
He will wear a garment that looks like the picture to the left which is made with exact directions given from God. There are so many memory devices in the garment that allow Aaron to remember to speak to God on behalf of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Again, we reiterate the fact that God gives so precise directions for the people to prepare for worship of God. God wanted there to be no room for excuses or inability to perform their worship. It was necessary for a Just God to accept the worship of a sinful people without the mercy of a Savior!
Proverbs 5
Such wise counsel every father should offer his son! There are two warnings within this wise proverb: 1) To the son-do not go near the adulterous woman; and 2) to the daughter-do not be the adulterous woman. Now you can even flip the roles (son do not be adulterous man; daughter-do not go near the adulterous man). But this is a teaching that needs to be sounded from the roof top everyday for our world to hear! Why even the Superbowl commercials speak of adultery in a manner not something to worry about. It is interesting that Proverbs 4 spoke of a "Godly wisdom" conversation before the father has the "birds and bees" conversation. Proverbs 5:7--"No my son, listen to me, do not stray from what I am about to say." A wise charge-FATHERS SPEAK TO YOUR SONS PROUDLY AND MOTHERS SPEAK TO YOUR DAUGHTERS THIS WARNING!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!! NO MATTER THERI AGE OR PAST EXPERIENCES!!!!! IT IS IMPORTANT FOR GOD TO LIST IT HERE!!!!! IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO TELL IT TO YOUR KIDS!!!!!!
Adultery (of any kind-extramarital, premarital, pornography) will always catch up! It will haunt you! 5:9-It will cause you to lose your honor. 5:11-in many cases it will cause disease. Statistics show today that 1 in 4 teens who are sexually active contract an STD. 5:15-"Drink water from your own well"--sleep and only think of sex with your own spouse. If you are unmarried, leave the water alone! 5:18--Let YOUR WIFE (or husband) be a fountain of blessing for you.
This is a graphic chapter in proverbs for a reason. Sex outside of a marriage has always been a problem. The primary way to prevent it: Fathers and Mothers-speak to your kids about it and share the wisdom of God with them. This is the way they will make good choices that will make you proud and glorify God!
Exodus 25-27 & Proverbs 4

Exodus 25-27
Exodus 25-27 describes for us the instructions that God has given to Moses for the Hebrew people to build a tabernacle. Its to be built on the offerings of the people (25:1-3). God requests that the offerings be only the best materials of only the finest quality. (Think: Are our gifts and offerings to God given with the best and finest that we can?) The Tabernacle was to be the holy place for Hebrew worship. In it, offerings will be given to God. In it, prayers will be spoken by the priests on behalf of the people. And in it, God will dwell in the Holy of Holies. There are specific and exact plans given from God for the people to build. It must be exact. God does not give us these kind of plans for the church today--because the church is not a building. The church is a people. We are given exact practices and ways of living to obey (baptism, Lord's Supper, fellowship, prayer).
According to the New Testament book of Hebrews 8-9, it is taught that the Tabernacle was built to be a small scale version of what Heaven will be like. There will be an alter for sacrificial worship, there will be a place where only God lives, there will be a place for congregating, etc. Above is a picture of what the tabernacle may have looked like according to the specifications given in Exodus 25-27.
There is a very simple message found in Proverbs 4--Get Wisdom (verse 5, 6, 7, 8, 12). Proverbs 4 is a wealth of instructions from a father to his son. This is one of those "Father-Son" special conversations. I have encountered several fathers that are nervous about the real "birds and the bees" talk that they must have with their son. Although that is vitally important, the charge of a father to his son to seek and hold tight to God's wisdom is even more vital! For with God's wisdom, the son can become a man who will make good choices that will not only make a father proud but will also bless God! Fathers--teach your sons this wisdom! Fathers--follow this wisdom yourself! Mothers and daughters--follow this wisdom yourself! Mothers--instill within your daughters a desire to marry a man who follows such wisdom!
Exodus 21-24 & Proverbs 3
Exodus 21-24
In Exodus 20 we read of the 10 commandments. Contrary to popular (non-Biblical) thought, these were not the only laws the Israelites were to follow. Exodus 21-24 begins the first installment of the Book of Law prescribed by God and commanded through Moses to the Israelite people. These laws cover various aspects of right living according to God such as "How to treat your slave" to "How to treat widows and orphans" to "How to deal with certain crimes" to "How to show hospitality to strangers". Many of the laws are incredibly specific making sure there is no room left for guessing. In our American eyes, many of these laws may seem very strange; however, in the eyes of the wandering Israelites, they would be very practical as well as very useful in the future when God gives them the Promised land.
A question comes to my mind regarding the Jewish law in light of the church today. Why is God so specific with the Israelites and it seems He leaves so much for judgment for Christians today? First of all, we need to acknowledge that He is the very same God today that He was then! We need to understand that.
Second of all, we need to understand that in the Law system (the Book of Law that is given here in Exodus 21-24, the 10 commandments, etc) there was no method of God issuing unconditional mercy and grace because Jesus had not yet forgiven all sin. God instead issued a system of law to follow because His justice MUST be satisfied. Under the law of grace (Jesus), God's justice was satisfied in the death of Jesus. Therefore, God offers black & white guidelines for right living with the Israelites because the unconditional grace was not yet available.
Third of all, God was preparing a people that would have the Messiah living among them. In a world of pagan and idol worshipping nations, it would not work for God to send the One True God into a world that worships many Gods. These laws would prepare the people to be a nation of worshippers for one God not many gods so that the message of the Messiah will be heard.
Proverbs 3
One of my all time favorite verses of Scripture is found in Proverbs 3. It is a treasure of wisdom that I would encourage you to remember always in your heart. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Seek God first, and in all your ways, and He will direct your paths." This is the thrust of a Christian life fully devoted to God. It is my goal that every morning I wake up and say to God, "Lord today I will trust You!" And as I go about my day, when I encounter a decision, even of the lightest value, I pause and ask God, "What do you think Lord?" Even though there are some decisions that God would not be concerned with either choice, (like should I have chili or a sandwich for lunch?) but in doing this, I place myself in a habit of always submitting my life before God. I lean not on my own understanding!
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