Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mark 7-9 & Psalm 18:25-50

Mark 7-9
The records of Jesus as recorded by Mark are a rapid fire description of the events as they happened.  In these chapters, Jesus continues his healing ministry, he confronts the impurity of the religious leaders, he challenges the faith of his disciples, and he feeds 4000 people.  When Jesus begins his teaching on purity, it is to combat with a ridiculous tradition taught by the religious leaders of hand-washing.  Not the sanitary hand washing we practice, but rather simply pouring a cup full of water over the hands and forearms to signify spiritual cleanness in case you came in contact with something spiritually unclean.  Jesus called this ridiculous and that true spiritual cleanness comes in the heart!  

As Jesus continues his healing ministry and casting demons, he still marks the miracle with a command to be silent about the incident.  As we see in Mark 8:11, the people were beginning to demand more miracles as if they wanted an encore of the "show".  The point of Jesus' ministry was not miracles.  The point was His message that he was beginning the Kingdom of God (the Church).  His message was being lost in the miracles.  Therefore, He only perfomed miracles when they offered credit to His message.  For instance in Mark 7:24-30, Jesus heals a gentile woman.  He told her that God's plan was to take the message to the Jews (children) first and then to the Gentiles (dogs).  The woman understood Jesus analogical use of children and dogs being fed and she showed faith in her response that even the dogs get to eat crumbs from under the table.  So he healed a gentile woman because of her faith.  

Interestingly enough, however, after Jesus feeds the thousands for the second time, the disciples and Jesus return across the lake.  And in the boat the 12 grow antsy because they only have a loaf of bread to eat.  But they had just witnessed Jesus make a few loaves feed thousands.  How stupid!  How many times have we been guilty of seeing God work and then not too long after we forget to turn to God for His power to work again?  

Jesus predicts His death twice in this passage...but the 12 don't get it.  In fact in Mark 9, the Transfiguration is recounted.  Jesus took only His favorite three disciples (His inner circle), and they witnessed two Old Testament prophets, Moses and Elijah, brought to life with Jesus.  And the three hear the voice of God speaking.  After this Jesus gave instructions to the three not to say anything until he rose from the dead.  BUT THEY STILL DON'T GET IT!!!  In fact, its not long until they are all arguing over who will be the greatest disciple in God's Kingdom.  They are thinking Jesus is planning to overthrow the Roman government and power and establish His own kingdom on earth.  So they are wanting good jobs in the kingdom.  The Kingdom of God being a spiritual thing still doesn't click for them!  

Psalm 18:25-50
This Psalm continues to offer praise to the God who offers protection and guidance for David.  The passage picks up in verse 25 where David is attributing God with wonderful characteristics such as "faithful, pure, light, strong, etc.  God's way is the perfect way if we have yet to figure that out.  Verses 32-36 speak of God giving us strength in times of trial.  Understand that God will never remove the trials from our life.  If we never had trials in life to go through, how could we grow.  But God also promises to never allow us to go through those trials alone.  He will always go with us through them to offer us the strength we need to endure.  He will watch over us and protect us from our enemies.  As we have heard for many Psalms now, David had some trouble with some of his enemies.  But He attests here that God saw him through them all!  What problems do I need to surrender to God for strength and to see me through?  

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