Friday, January 30, 2009

Exodus 15-17 & Proverbs 1

Exodus 15-17
Exodus 14 leaves us with the Egyptians being drowned in the Red Sea by the power of God and the Israelites finally putting their full trust in God and in Moses (for now).  Exodus 15 is a "song of deliverance" as it is called in the heading of my Bible.  So, in response to God's delivery of Israel from Egypt, they praised God in song.  We do that today don't we.  Singing songs of worship is not just reserved for the scheduled song service during the church service.  Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with praise and thanks to God, a song can express your feelings better to God than you could put into words.  This is why I only listen to Christian music like the radio station K-Love (97.3 fm) or The Wave (105.9 fm) or listen to christian radio on the internet because I love singing songs of worship to God.  I do this all day every day-not just on Sunday mornings.  I give you these radio stations so you too can take advantage of singing worship to God all the time!  

It was not long (three days) before the people turned against Moses again.  They had not had water to drink for three days and began to cry out to Moses "What are we going to drink?"  God provided another miracle and made bitter (possible salt water) into water good to drink.  He tested the Israelites faithfulness in this saying to them, "If you trust me, if you obey me, I will take care of you."  Does God ever say that to you?  Not verbally, but do you ever get the sense that God has said to you, "Trust me"?  

As they left Elim with the clean water and shaded palm trees, the Israelites entered into the desert where again they began to complain against the leadership of Moses and Aaron.  They began wishing they were back in Egypt under the slavery of Egypt for at least they had food to eat.  Have we ever looked at our past and wished things would be like they once were?  At least life was a little more comfortable and I didn't have to be stretched by God.  At least I didn't have to sacrifice a portion of my paycheck to God.  Our grumbling can sometimes distract us from what God is really doing.  We need to keep our eyes open to God and watch as He always will marvel us at what He can do when we trust Him!   

So God heard their cries and answered by provided food.  Each morning when the dew fell, flakes were left on the ground which were called "manna" which translated means "What is it?".   It was a flake that would be milled or crushed and boiled and cakes made from it that tasted like wafers made with honey.  In addition, in the evening, flocks of quail would come through the camp and provide protein for the Israelites.  The miracle of this is that each family took what they needed for the day, and anything left over would instantly attract maggots and a terrible odor.  However, on Friday, a double batch would be gathered and on Saturday, the manna would be good to eat.  God provided in a mighty way for the Israelites in the desert. 

As the Israelites moved from place to place, they came to an area called Rephidim in which there was no drinking water.  The Israelites should know by now that God will provide if they would only ask and trust Him.  We will be reminded of this fact over and over again.  Instead, they grumble and complain again to Moses.  So Moses prayed to God and God told Moses to strike a large rock and out from the rock water came gushing out.  

While Israel was still in Rephidim, the army from Amalek came to fight against Israel for they preyed on other groups of people to kill and plunder from their possessions.  The Amaleks were nomadic and they gained their livelihood from stealing from other groups of people.    Moses calls on Joshua-the military leader of the Israelites.  We will later see how his military background will serve him well for God.  Joshua gathers men for the army of Israel to fight teh Amalekites.  Another miracle of God occurs for as long as Moses kept the staff held in the air, the Israelites were winning; however, when he dropped his hands, they began losing.  So Moses brother Aaron and Hur stood by Moses to keep him strong.  We too need to stand beside our fellow brother and sisters in Christ to hold them strong.  That's God's purpose: to help one another in this life together as God's people.  And by doing so, Israel won its first battle!  

Proverbs 1
So today we will take a break from the Psalms for a month and read through the Proverbs.  So what is a Proverb anyway?  According to Haley's Bible Handbook, "A proverb is a brief, popular statement that expresses a general truth.  Most of the book consists of of unconnected proverbs.  Proverbs are designed primarily for teaching compact, practical statements that stick in the mind."  Chapter one is a sort of preface for the rest of the book.  As chapter one opens, it issues the books purpose; which is to promote wisdom, discipline, understanding, righteousness, justice, equity, prudence, knowledge, discretion, learning, and guidance.  Much of the book of Proverbs are written from King Solomon (King David's son and heir to the Kingdom of Israel).  The continuing challenge is to LISTEN to these proverbs.   Packed in them are wise instruction for right living.  But the starting point for knowledge and wisdom is this (verse 7): "Fear of the Lord is the beginning!"  Fear=honor and respect for God, to live in awe of His power, and to obey His Word found in the Bible.  Do you truly fear the Lord?     

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