Thursday, January 15, 2009

Genesis 37-39 & Psalm 14

Genesis 37-39
The story of Joseph is probably one of the most familiar story in Genesis.  Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob because he was Rachel's first-born son and because he was born in Jacob's old age.  So since he was the favorite son, he received a gift that made him the envy of the other brothers.  To make matters worse, he told the brothers of a dream that symbolized Joseph as a master to all the other brothers.  Joseph's boastful attitude caused there to be a vengeful spark among the brothers.  Anger can certainly get the best of us if we let him.  When I consider my anger, I recall the Psalm we read over a week ago in Psalm 4:4 that says, "Do not sin by letting your anger control you, but think about it over night and be silent."  If we keep that in mind and do what it says, then we can avoid many problems our anger gets us into. 

Not only did the brothers allow their anger to control them, but they also saw an opportunity to profit from it.  They sold their brother into slavery making 20 pieces of silver.  Today I checked to see that silver was selling for about $10 per ounce making the sale of Joseph about $200 (in today's economy).  If you remember according to Matthew 26:15, Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and a plot of ground was purchased with it where Judas hung himself.  

Judah, one of Jacob's sons born to Leah, enters the scene for a chapter.  After he married he had three sons.  The oldest (Er) was arranged to be married to a young lady but due to Er's wickedness, his sins caused him to die (there are always consequences for our sins-some even claim our life).  Therefore, it was the custom, and later will be Jewish Law (Deut. 25:5-10), for the next oldest brother to marry the widow of his older brother.  The second son was willing to marry; however, he was unwilling to conceive a son for his older brother's heir.  This sin caused him to die as well.  The third son was too young to be married.  So Judah sent the two-time widow to her home until the third son was old enough (although Judah was unwilling to allow them to be married).  He lied to her.  And some years later, she sought her revenge.  She tricked Judah into getting her pregnant and his shame caught up with him.  Our sin always has their consequences.  

The story of Joseph picks back up after some time now.  He is a leader in the house of Potiphar and a trusted official over his other servants.  We do know that Potiphar's wife has a "thing" for Joseph. But Joseph does what we should do when faced with temptation--RUN!!!  However, although he ran, he was still framed.  So perhaps, we should do more than run, we should tell someone else about the situation so that we are not left in an innocent situation looking guilty! 

Psalm 14
Ever heard anyone say that God doesn't exist?  According to this Psalm, they are fools!  Think about it.  Have you noticed something that has happened in your life on in the life of someone close to you that can only be explained by there being a God?  I have.  No one can attempt to talk me out of that fact!  Really intelligent people attempt to offer natural explanations so that God could not be.  But that doesn't suffice for me.  The Psalm goes on to speak of the "fool's" evil actions and corrupt lifestyle.  For many, they explain away God because they have lived by their own reliance and have ignored God!  When you feel like you are alone and God is not around (or that He even might not exist), rest in this promise of Psalm 14:5-"for God is with those who obey Him."  If God is with you even when you are being attacked by those who are evil...then they are attacking God too!  Psalm 2:4-5 tells us that His anger will flare up against those who oppose Him!  What promises to rest in that there is a God!!! 

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