Saturday, January 17, 2009

Genesis 43-46 & Psalm 15

Genesis 43-46
The famine was continuing as we pick up the story fo Joseph in Genesis 43.  Some time has passed since the last time Joseph's brothers had been to buy food and now their food is running short.  However, Jacob will not allow his brothers to return to Egypt with their brother Benjamin because he is the lat remaining son of Rachel's and Jacob couldn't bear the thought of losing his last son.  Finally after some convincing, he allows them to make the journey.  This magnificent story continues with Joseph "fulfilling" his original dream when he was a boy of hos brothers blowing low before him as their master.  When he finally reveals his identity, joy bursts forth and even Pharaoh welcomes the family to live in Egypt.  Egyptians did not welcome shepherds to live in their land for it would have been like the Clampants moving to Beverly Hills.  However, Pharaoh will make an exception and God uses Joseph's circumstances to continue God's plan of making Abraham's family into a great nation.  (More on that as read into Exodus)  Imagine how Jacob's family will grow if shielded from all the elements of the land that could possible kill them.  Living in Egypt and being provided for will help them to grow more rapidly.  For just 13 brothers provided a family that has now grown to 70 in one generation!  God uses all circumstances to work toward His greater plan!  

Psalm 15
This Psalm calls God's people to me morally right to honor God.  Thomas Jefferson called this Psalm "the picture of the true gentleman".  In Old Testament language, "Sanctuary" and "holy hill" are interchangeable for describing the focal point of Israelite worship.  We focus our worship on God Himself.  The Israelites focused their worship on the presence of God being that they felt they were too unworthy to even speak the name of God.  Psalm 15 lists 10 characteristics that people who obey God should possess.  They are:
1) Lead lives that others can find no blame in
2) Do what is right 
3) Speak the truth with sincerity
4) Refuse to speak bad against others
5) Refuse to bring harm against others
6) Do not condone the persistent sin of others
7) Honor the faithfulness of followers of God
8) Keep their promises even when it may hurt 
9)Do not benefit off less fortunate when you loan them money
10) Refuse to accept bribes to testify falsely
The Psalmist concludes by saying that these people who do these things will stand firm for God forever in His holy place (heaven).  So stand firm!  

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