Friday, January 16, 2009

Genesis 40-42 & Psalm 14

Genesis 40-42
The account of Joseph continues and picks up while he is in prison.  Soon two men from the Pharaoh's palace are placed in the same prison as Joseph.  They have weird dreams.  Remember Joseph had dreams!  So they tell Joseph their dreams and he offers them an interpretation.  And what he says actually comes true!  

Some time later (about than two years) Pharaoh has a dream that is weird.  The one official who had his dream interpreted by Joseph in prison remembered Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.  So he mentions Joseph to Pharaoh and immediately he calls for Joseph to be brought before him.  IMMEDIATELY: What if you were called on immediately to give an account about God?  I mean, what if on the spot today you were asked about God and what God would say about something?  Would you be able to speak for God (using His word, the Bible) or would you simply be able to offer your own opinion?  Keep in mind, Joseph's opinion would not have done it here.  He spoke for God because He had a relationship with God--He prayed to God.  Reading your Bible this year is more than a goal or an accomplishment to say that you have done so.  It is the beginning of a life-long practice of allowing God to speak to you through His word!  

Because of Joseph's accurate interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, Pharaoh placed him 2nd in command of all of Egypt-the most powerful land in the world at the time.  And because of Joseph's ability to manage the situation of the famine, Joseph built a name for himself and the ability to save his family from a terrible and life threatening situation.  If Joseph had not been the man to go get the grain from, Jacob's family would not have been able to get grain.  The ruler would have turned them away because he would have hoarded it for his own people.  

Psalm 14
Ever heard anyone say that God doesn't exist?  According to this Psalm, they are fools!  Think about it.  Have you noticed something that has happened in your life on in the life of someone close to you that can only be explained by there being a God?  I have.  No one can attempt to talk me out of that fact!  Really intelligent people attempt to offer natural explanations so that God could not be.  But that doesn't suffice for me.  The Psalm goes on to speak of the "fool's" evil actions and corrupt lifestyle.  For many, they explain away God because they have lived by their own reliance and have ignored God!  When you feel like you are alone and God is not around (or that He even might not exist), rest in this promise of Psalm 14:5-"for God is with those who obey Him."  If God is with you even when you are being attacked by those who are evil...then they are attacking God too!  Psalm 2:4-5 tells us that His anger will flare up against those who oppose Him!  What promises to rest in that there is a God!!! 

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