Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Numbers 8-11

Numbers 8-11
Continuing through the book of Numbers, we will occasionally read a review from the Laws taught to us in Exodus or Leviticus.  Using the dedication offerings given in chapter 7, the Tabernacle is built.  In chapter 9 we learn that the Israelites had now been out of Egypt for one year.  They are given the instructions to celebrate the second Passover in remembrance of God's deliverance from the bondage of Egypt.  I remember Bob Tuck sharing with us this Sunday the fact that we are memory bound creatures.  Our lives revolve around remembering the past or attempting to remember a coming up appointment.  We have numerous devices to aid us in our memory.  Isn't it special that God offered His people the memory device of Passover to celebrate each year and remember their salvation from Egypt.  We have that same memory device given to us every week when we celebrate the Lord's Supper.  

I find it hard to believe as I read through the wandering years of Israel that they would have reason to complain.  But in addition to being memory bound creatures, we are also created with "minds of our own" and unfortunately sometimes our minds do not always remain focused on the Creator.  Recall with me where Israel has been in the last 365 days...In Egypt, they were suffering under the oppression of the slave driving taskmasters...witnessing 10 plagues, God's reality was displayed...watching a fiery cloud distract the mighty Egyptian army while the 2 million Israelites cross through several miles of DRY sea bottom to safety...they physical hunger satisfied with bread from heaven twice a day...their leader Moses goes up on a mountain that is on fire, suffering earthquakes and lightening storms, and then he returns from the mountain with the words of God inscribed on tablets of stone with the laws by which they would now live...the fiery cloud that had distracted the Egyptians is now leading you through the desert-when it moves, you move and when it stops, you stop.  What a year!  

So many reasons to trust in God and in the leader He endorses.  But when  the manna gets too boring and there just are not enough ways to fix it so it tastes good, they began to complain.  What is wrong with that picture?  So they not only cry to their leader, but they cry to God.  Their whining gets to God and in anger, he allows flocks of quail to move into their area.  But in greed, the people gather too much and this burns the anger of the Lord even more.  Does our greed lead us to go for too much?  When can we ever be satisfied?  The answer: For earthly things, we will never be satisfied.  But when we wholey live in trust and obedience in God, when our thoughts are set on eternity with Him, we will be fully satisfied and will be content with all things.  

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