Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leviticus 5-27

*Due to my tardiness in posting comments for the remainder if Leviticus, I will offer a few thoughts for the duration of the book.  I have heard a few form the church comment on the lack of application from the book of Leviticus.  I would agree to some degree; however, after reading from Leviticus (especially after catching up on my reading today), I am brought to an attitude of praise for my God who has redeemed me by the death of Christ from the laws of the Israelites.  I no longer have to be concerned with the festivals and the rules of living quite like the Israelites were expected to!  I can live in freedom from the strangle that sin once had one me.  We should be moved to praise to God for Jesus rescuing us from the snare of the law!  

Secondly, I am reminded of who God is throughout the book of Leviticus.  Each time God instructed the Israelites to do something that seemed like it could be argued with as being too difficult, God reminded the people that "He is the Lord!"  In Leviticus 19 alone, the phrase "I am the Lord" is used 16 times.  Again, and again, God reminds the people of Israel that nothing it too difficult for His people for God will see it through!  We might need that reminder again today! 

Finally, I sum up the book of Leviticus with the passage from 26:12 which says "I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people."  God is taking the people of Israel from the Egyptian bondage in Exodus to wandering the desert for 40 years.  Now God is leading the His people back into the pagan land of Canaan where they will live forever in the land of their promise.  God is claiming the people of Israel as His own chosen people.  These rules and laws were not just intended as a way to keep a handle on the people.  They were meant to set apart the Israelite people as evidence that they belonged to God!  Think about this: In what ways does your life reflect your belonging to God and being set apart from other non-believing people? 

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