Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Joshua 4-6 & Psalm 53

Psalm 53
Too bad we didn't read this Psalm a week ago on April Fool's Day..."The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" That is an utterly foolish statement...for there is a God. And He created the heavens and the earth. There is a God and He sustains all creation with rain and sunshine. There is a God for the birds follow His command and fly south for the winter and they are coming back now that spring has arrived. There is a God...and He loves you so much that He gave His son as a sacrifice for your sins so you can have eternal life in heaven. Take some time out and ponder upon the reality of God. Thank Him for being God...don't be a fool...believe in the God who loves you today!

Joshua 4-6
Considering the second battle Israel will face...Jericho...God wanted to ensure that they were all "right" with God. I have heard that expression "right" with God and I have wondered, "What does that mean?" I think I have figured it out as I have read through Joshua. After crossing the Jordan River, God instructs all of Israel to be circumcised. This was a "sign" proving that they were God's people. Why God didn't pick a different sign, I do not know. Back in Genesis 17, Abraham is told to be circumcised...and he did-he and all the males in his house. In Exodus 4, Moses is about to go to Egypt to plead to Pharaoh to let Israel go, and on the way the anger of the Lord burned against him for he had not been circumcised. Here the people who had been born in the wilderness have not yet been circumcised. So God instructs them to do so. It seems kind of a foolish sign in our eyes...but what about repentance? To say to God I am sorry for what wrong I have make right what I have wronged, and make every effort not to do that wrong foolish does that sound to the ears of a non-believer? In their minds, it might sound weird to "say you are sorry to a God you cannot see..." Or to go and make right what you have wronged...wouldn't it be easier to just not do it again...and not worry about what has been done in the past? Well, yes it would be easier...but we would not have made ourselves right before God. Besides...who can really right themselves...hasn't that already been done for us. God did giving His son to die on the cross for if He asks us to do something that may seem foolish in the eyes of man...then so be it. He is my God and I want to follow Him.

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